SuperVision offers the industry’s most powerful suite of tools to help your fleet succeed. Partner with SuperVison to help monitor, support and retain your drivers. Get the peace of mind that comes from knowing your drivers are good to go wherever business takes them.

  • Monitors 3 million+ drivers across North America.
  • Provides 62 of the top 100 (17 in the top 25) for hire fleets license monitoring products.
  • Provides the only continuous driver monitoring solution across the 51 U.S. jurisdictions and all 13 Canadian provinces and territories.


The SuperVision Product Suite provides the industry’s most comprehensive view of driver performance and safety compliance. Receive and analyze CSA scores, telematics, and crash data and get continuous motor vehicle record (MVR) monitoring, including driver license status and violation updates for any driver on your team. With a dedicated representative provided to every fleet, SuperVision offers the best customer service and support in the industry.